This year we did it ourselves!

November 07, 2021

In the past we have hired a company to put up the holiday decorations on Van Ness but that company has now gone out of business. So two of our intrepid neighborhood guys decided to hang the decorations themselves.


They began early Sunday morning with the benefit of an extra hour of sleep from daylight savings time. Loaded with a pickup full of decorations they started the task in front of the Big Red Church hoping for some guidance from above. Armed with only two ladders and a drill they worked their way up and down Van Ness to give us the wonderful sight of holiday candles attached to each of the lampposts. We owe a huge amount of thanks to Eric Schmidt and Aaron Buchheim and the many onlookers who pitched in now and then to offer encouragement and an occasional helping hand.

Don’t miss the chance to see their handiwork this season: make it a point to drive down Van Ness from Shields to McKinley to see the glow of the Fresno High signature lampposts light up this year’s holiday decorations.

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